yesterday was our 17th wedding annivesary; its not that i forgot to post entry on this but i really busy with hubby's niece wedding, which also falled on our big day...tu yg baru nak post d entry pasal our big day
d funny thing was that, we shared the bride n groom's wedding cake; sebab x sempat nak beli..
anyway...come back to our story..flashback to 21 years ago.. i ve been friend with hubby secara kebetulan je n it had begun with one phone call..actually his bro is my abang angkat best fren at the uni...one day i called his house number n wanted to talk to his bro- to convey a message to my abang angkat but he was d one who picked up the call..was told that his bro just left d house & went back to uni..n we talked for few minutes; suddenly from there, our relationship as a fren has started;
we dont really into couple until about a year later..before that i ada introduced him to one of my good fren with an intention to arrange a special relationship between them,until one day, we went out together with my fren n his fren, to meet them up for a first date..on that day,tetiba i felt something wrong with my feelings when i saw them walked, talked n sit together (masa tu jadi escort)hati sayu je...kononlah
went home..he called me and asked me is that wat i want..matched him with my fren; he said that he cant accept my fren ..he wanted me & a special relationship with me not with my fren..hahaha
sebab i yg menjadi tukang match so i rasa x baiklah kan buat my fren terkeciwa so i asked my fren whether she actually likes him or not..my fren said that she did that coz i wanted her to do so but told me that she has no feeling pada dia..so to make this story short (hehe) lama-kelamaan i accepted him once em sure of my feelings that i did like him too and falls in love with him..
if em not mistaken we became close sekitar penghujung tahun 1988..when he was in his first year at UTM; still remember that we used to break up for about 7 months due to salah faham..end 1989 i pulak further studied @UITM n somewhere in february 1990; i saje gatal called his house number, still remembered that waktu tu his niece pick up d phone and when i asked her whether i can talk to him, she asked me "are u xxx"..berdetap hati i coz i did not know that he has someone else..
dengan rasa keciwa, i wrote him a letter n asked him the actual story..who was that xxx...received a reply from him, told me everything..we met up a month later n continue our relationship;until he graduated n when i was in third year, kami bertunang pd 17th march 1993.
after known each other for about 6 years and two months after my graduation; we were got married on 4th june 1994..
we were gifted with four kids..three girls and a boy...bermacam cerita suka duka menemani ikatan perkahwinan yg kami bina selama ini...penuh suka duka...penuh ranjau...dan itulah asam garam kehidupan suami isteri..mendekatkan hubungan kami..menyemarakkan kasih sayang...walaupun ada perselisihan, pertelagahan namun semuanya adalah dugaan kepada kekukuhan rumahtangga dan ujian kesabaran antara kami...
he is special; special in many ways even though ada kekurangannya...no one is perfect..neither him or me .. em not d best person maybe for him but i always do d best for him..even though dgn kekurangan yg ada pada i tetapi no one can dispute or challenge kesetiaan dan kasih syg i pada dia..he is also a caring dad to d kids..he loves his kids soooo much n i know that,he alwaz want to do d best n give d best to his kids..itu yg penting, kerana my kids takkan putus menikmati kasih sayang dan sentiasa mendapat perhatian dari dia..thats wat i alwaz pray for!!
thanks dear ; we have been together for 17 years..share everything the sadness n happiness, the sweetness n bitterness-harta benda bukan segalanya (walaupun perlu ada) yg penting kasih sayang akan berkekalan, sentiasa bersemarak, kejujuran menjadi landasan perhubungan dan kesetiaan yang dipertahankan..
alwaz luv u from d bottom of my heart, muga jodoh dan kash syg antara kita kekal hingga ke akhir hayat..