tidak pernah dalam sejarah hidup berkeluarga i celebrated the eve of Eid of Haj @home without any preparation due to some really unexpected things happened..which makes me so damn hurt and dissapointed n simultenously reflect my mood to celebrate our holy day...and it was so fuck worst!!!!
no rendang no ketupat no food at all....
half an hour ago, hubby just left; went back to his kampung and took the three with him...in this situation, i feel like staying home alone is the best way to calm down my angry n so many heart feelings ....... with her actually....
a little quarel was took place before magrib with hubby; actually was mad at him too..not bother to go out and buy things to cook..ah, let it be..the more i think of others the more hurt feelings will take place!at least it will reduce the weight of sin.............i hope so.
since my mood was really bad so i spent time a lot by laying down on the bed..sleeping was one of the best thing ever to do in this situation, which also can help you to clear up your mind, even it is a temporary effort but who cares, right..
anyway, despite the bad day- that doesnt mean i ignore to do all the houseworks...washed clothes and folded them, prepared nasi goreng for lunch and made sambal tumis udang and terung for dinner...(ermmm i still need to fill up my tummy no matter what was happened)
later will initiate the first step for the mind rehabilitation process...pray for my success!!!