we are now enjoying our short trip..whereto....

yeap we are at PD now..staying at the grandlexis pd..
it is a last minute plan and i have made a booking diam2
tapi terpecah juga rahsia yg konon2 nyer rahsia tu hari ahad
i booked the executive water villa..
actually ada dua water chalet under the same management bezanya those chalet with pool under the management of grandlexis,
tapi chalet yg takde pool under the management of lexis
actually ada dua water chalet under the same management bezanya those chalet with pool under the management of grandlexis,
tapi chalet yg takde pool under the management of lexis
before this da stay kat lexis tu.
so this time nak cuba di grand lexis..we got government rate of rm562 for executive water villa, ada dua katil king, dapur and of course the pool
so bebudak ni ape lagi, sakan2 sukanya
masuk2 bilik tengok ada pool semua da tak sabar
so mama dan ayah kata, hah mandilah sampai kecut2 badan,
siang malam tiada sekatan
tak kuar2 bilik
as usual mama bila berjalan bawak bekal,
this time masak kari daging, sambal ikan bilis ayam goreng nasi dan nasi impit
siap ikan kering lagi
so makan berulang2
semalam aje selepas check in dlm kul 4.45 ptg sampai ke mlm
dekat 5 kali memasing berulang makan penyudahnya dinner i buat burger
biasalah mak ni jalan2 pun angkut piuk kuali hehe
so just layan the photos ye (gambar pakai my bb, yg dalam the DC nanti2 i opload)