just came back from site visit..
as per earlier planned...we went to Kuala Sg Baru for a site visit to pknm's lands..wat kind of land hah..its an acquisition lands for tanah khinzir..the purpose of the visit is mainly to identify the lands and its boundaries...
from one site to one site, with mosquitos ,bad smell and bad scenary, OMG but because of duty, we have to visit it..at the same time have taken some photos too..
em not feeling well..having terrible flu and keep on sneezing..i hate that!!!
moved from our ofis at 9.15 am and reached back the ofis at about 3 pm after half an hour lunch break...
well, i will be going there again..... but......if there is a strict instruction, if not..mmm tak kosa lah makcik nak poeeee laie, azaabbb sengsara..
penat dan letih ..ngantuk jugak ni...