Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Good news from the BOD meeting

finally the Board Meeting for this year is over..with a good news for us; bonus of 1 month..huhu i luv it...tunggu pihak kewangan bank in aje dalam akaun; expected to receive it within this week...(dengar2 lah)

alhamdulillah rezeki utk semua kami di sini; bolehlah menampung belanja persekolahan anak-anak..
sambil allocate sikit sana sini;

the Meeting has going on smoothly; supposed to start at 11 am however in view that our CM is alwayz busy n has so many things to handle, it started a bit late around 12.45 pm;

tapi takpe..yang penting the approval for the bonus tu..

and for the year of 2011, our pressure for the Board Meeting is over...