Saturday, May 7, 2011


dalam hati ada resah...dalam hati ada rindu-
memori semalam mengimbas
suka duka bersama...

.........................tetiba lak syahdu.........

brainstorming day 2

we continue our second session today from 8.30 to almost 1 pm..
just managed to complete up to the strategic plan and KPI..due to times constraint
feels proud becoz our group's presentation & idea of write up for the revised vision has been accepted by others;
and it shall be the new vision of our organization..tarara

was informed that the next session will be held next week at our office...
n my brain will never stop working ..

brainstorming day 1

em now at pd ancasa hotel;attending a brainstorming session for our five years bussiness plan.
it started at 3pm and ended at about 12 am...
feel damn tired..
n my mind needs rest..c u