i am sick of staying in a rental house, after so long living in our own house...
yyyy...actually sebab we are new in this town even this is our home town..
yelah rumah sewa mana ada kitchen kabinet, dok rumah yang orang da pernah tinggal, mana tahan...even it is a big house, i dont care!
after managed to sell our house in Nilai, our vision of hunting a house in melaka has started..
but hubby is so so fussy...most of the places i suggested were not really admire him;reason being is that he is yet to have the feeling of a so-called "tempat idaman" which alwaz ended up with "nak x nak"moodlah, kan..
any way, we r looking for a single storey semi D, no more double storey house after had been experienced d trouble of going up n down at the existing rental house;
even the final location is yet to be decided.
hope our mission will be accomplished soon..
i cant wait for such moment....