hari ni ada sambutan Jalur Gemilang peringkat PKNM...started at about 4 pm n last about 5pm...
terus cabut balik rumah lepas tu, masak sup ketam dan sambal ikan kembong
kakak nak makan spageti bolognese since yesterday so akupun buatkan sekali..nampaknya laku betul spageti tu...nashwa siap tanya "mama, ada lagi x, nak buat sahur"...
sambal ikan x terusik so warning them that will be tomorrow's meal for sahur..biasalah nafis ni, kalau ikan dia akan merungut n ask for chicken again...told him that he has so much of chicken so for sahur, i will fry an egg for him.
miss someone who did not come back here..supposed today he comes back...but since he has some thing on tonight...so only will see him tomorrowlah
em not so worried about wat he had for breaking fast,coz i know how luxury he is with food in Nilai...almost everyday he will break- fast at Nilai Spring Hotel with the geng...
sebelum buka tadi sempat lipat baju sebakul, n just after iftar finished another bakul...tu gara2 semlm x lipat kain sebab kepenatan...kalau ditangguh lagi mahu besok jadi tiga bakul baju..bole pengsan dibuatnya...