at this moment most of my staffs are busy doing the deco for raye in this office...i join jugak tetapi sekejap2 je..
gantung ketupat, kad raya,lampu lip happening u..i loike..the real of raya spirit..
mood keja, not to mention ...already my mind keep on thinking of those things which are yet to settle..
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
A day to entertain d kids
last 3rd july, we went to kl
overnight at Federal Hotel BB..(its a strategic location;located behind Plaza Low Yatt)
the purpose: after so long we havent get any new things for the hubby was so generous took us there to entertain the kids..n buy the gadget they alwaz ask for
kakak got a dslr canon;nafis n nashwa got a psp n nashwa got a pvp- we bought her a cheap one becoz she is yet to understand n appreciate an expensive item: (wait until she is growing bigger then we will get her the best item too!!

overnight at Federal Hotel BB..(its a strategic location;located behind Plaza Low Yatt)
the purpose: after so long we havent get any new things for the hubby was so generous took us there to entertain the kids..n buy the gadget they alwaz ask for
kakak got a dslr canon;nafis n nashwa got a psp n nashwa got a pvp- we bought her a cheap one becoz she is yet to understand n appreciate an expensive item: (wait until she is growing bigger then we will get her the best item too!!
at Plaza Low Yatt-the camera shop
smiling face
finally she got the dslr
at least she has one too
cheeky girl
me nashwa n nafis.....
with kakak too
showing off....
we had dinner at kg baru n breakfast at the hotel; before went back to melaka we had lunch near stadium (?), also di kg baru; marvellous ayam kampung...
on the arrival day too, we went to muzium negara n klcc (petrosains) but since during tat time we r yet to buy a camera so there were no photos taken except via iP n my BB..will try to upload from the phones later
Sukan sekolah "SK BB 2"
above are the photos taken during nashwa's school sport's day..
she took part in musical senamrama and 4x1oom relay- her team won second place..
mama attended the event with nazwa as hubby was away ...
she took part in musical senamrama and 4x1oom relay- her team won second place..
mama attended the event with nazwa as hubby was away ...
23rd Ramadhan 1432H
alhamdulillah hari ke 23 berlalu sudah dan kami sekeluarga dpt menyempurnakan ibadah puasa dengan baik..just goreng kuetiaw, sata goreng dan buat bubur nasi (da lama mengidam) serta goreng ikan bilis..rendang smlm ade so mkn dengan bubur sedap...
planning with hubby utk bakar lemang di kampungku...sebab raya ni turn kampungku..suruh mak tempah buluh lemang dlm 20 batang..hubby ni suka kalo ade kerja2 utk dia- especially itu expertise dia..
saja buat lebih nanti bolehlah dibahagi2kan dan bwak balik rumah MIL sekali..
dari segi persiapan insya'Allah utk anak2 da 90%..cuma nk carikan tudung utk kakak n nashwa;kakak biasalah senarai dia x abis2 lagi..hah gi mintak kat ayah ok..(mama ni bajet)..da hubby kata "i will spend for raya, u keep urs"..tats my luv yg x kedekut bile ade...rezeki ..amin
planning with hubby utk bakar lemang di kampungku...sebab raya ni turn kampungku..suruh mak tempah buluh lemang dlm 20 batang..hubby ni suka kalo ade kerja2 utk dia- especially itu expertise dia..
saja buat lebih nanti bolehlah dibahagi2kan dan bwak balik rumah MIL sekali..
dari segi persiapan insya'Allah utk anak2 da 90%..cuma nk carikan tudung utk kakak n nashwa;kakak biasalah senarai dia x abis2 lagi..hah gi mintak kat ayah ok..(mama ni bajet)..da hubby kata "i will spend for raya, u keep urs"..tats my luv yg x kedekut bile ade...rezeki ..amin
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