memandangkan puasa x lama lagi so projek hari ini adalah menyediakan barang mentah aka lauk2 untuk kegunaan masak memasak minggu depan..
me n hubby went to market-beli ikan,, udang, sotong, ayam,, mee kuming,tahu...semuanya stock masakan..
balik rumah siang dan cuci semuanya, mana yg perlu masuk dlm bekas.. besok plan nak cari daging, hati lembu dan tulang yang fresh..senang bila da siap semua, balik kerja terus masak bila bahan da tersedia..thats what i did every year..jarang beli kat luar di bulan puasa.i will try sebaiknya sediakan juadah kegemaran dan ikut permintaan anak2 dan hubby apa yg nak dimakan..
yg pasti bergedil adalah kemestian begitu juga mee esok kena beli kentang seguni untuk stock ramadhan..
lada kering dah siap blended 2 hari lepas...begitu juga perencah sayur..
mudah2an ramadhan ini membawa keberkatan pada keluarga ku...amin, insya'Allah..
semlm sewaktu ceramah agama sempena menyambut ramadhan aku tertarik dgn kata ustaz, kita patut meraikan ramadhan sama seperti meraikan kedtgn syawal..beli pakaian baru dan buat persiapan yg sama sebagaimana menyambut esok nak carikan semua anak2 dan hubby sehelai pakaian baru.. setiap orang, ambil berkat..untuk pakai pada 1 ramadhan...
n bole shopping raya sikit2 sekali ...
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
my dream for handbag
em always dream for a designer handbag such as LV or at least Coach...the thing is not becoz i cant afford to buy (alah setakat satu dua je) tetapi em a type of yang eh, sayangnye duit...tu yang berkira2 sampai en hubby pun da malas nak layan kerenah i yg "nak ke tak beli"..even he is willing to sponsor
so i cuma pakai bonia, sembonia or carlo rino-of these brand sahaja..
few days ago i highlighted it again to hubby of my keinginan to really have a Coach handbag..but not those yg jual onlike ke warehouse ke..but of the latest design..
again, was sort of "scolded" by hubby, he said that "oklah, i give u money we go to Pavillion n u buy one with eyes n heart close or i go there n buy one for u"
hehehe takutnye abang mare ke...
anyway, dlm hati ni masih berkira2 ...beli... x... beli... x
so i cuma pakai bonia, sembonia or carlo rino-of these brand sahaja..
few days ago i highlighted it again to hubby of my keinginan to really have a Coach handbag..but not those yg jual onlike ke warehouse ke..but of the latest design..
again, was sort of "scolded" by hubby, he said that "oklah, i give u money we go to Pavillion n u buy one with eyes n heart close or i go there n buy one for u"
hehehe takutnye abang mare ke...
anyway, dlm hati ni masih berkira2 ...beli... x... beli... x

Majlis Perpisahan CEO Disember 2010 -En Zainal bin Hj Abu
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
From the bottom of my heart
she is yet a matured girl..
by now she should understand n appreciate how i alwaz think n do the best for her..
a little bit dissappointed and sad with her attitude now...
the best i did, the more i give the less that i get from her;
alwaz pray n hope she will change to a sincere, tolerate, caring, hardworking, committed person-
dont be late or else, u will regret...
yes i did scolded u, shouted at u-its not without reasons;
doesnt mean that i dont love u...please change
Team Building 24-26 Dec 2010
Hahaha it had been ages but i still interested to post some more photos during our team building course held on 24-26 dec 2010..
i love this course too much, it inspired n motivated me so much with the activities yang full of challenge, tested ur mental strength n physical fitness..., formulated d way to cooperate n work together with others in order to achieve d mission n vision of the organization;
in any event it should not be a one man show; every one must take part, contribute and helps each other for the sake of the organisation
especially Night Walk di kaki Gunung Ledang yang terkenal dengan keseramannya..
i pulak was appointed as d "shoguny"- a leader to the ladies..
watikah perlantikan
one of the activity..
built up a tower-
sharing ur creativity, cooperation, how u follow orders n instructions...
after d war session....i loike
in door activity
physical test
finally graduated
5S's trip to Cameron Highlands-21-22 July 2011 part 2
Friday, July 22, 2011
5S's trip to Cameron Highlands-21-22 July 2011 part 1
currently i berada di cameron highlands utk sesi lawatan sambil belajar organised by pknm..we r going to visit majlis daerah cameron highlands tomorow utk melihat pencapaian Amalan 5s di situ yg mendapat pengiktirafan peringkat federal.
anyway for info.PKNM in melaka also one of the well-known government agency yg mengamalkan Amalan 5S dengan jayanya-"kamipun byk terima lawatan agensi lain ok sebab glamer dgn 5S tulah..."
reached here yesterday about 5.30pm.departure from ofis dlm pkl 11 am;on d way transit di R&R Seremban n R&R Tapah..31 of us..sesampai di sini after check in sesi merayau bermula;as semua kaki shopping so we have completed our task sampai pkl 10.30pm..cant believe it that already spent about RM250 (baru takat ni,lum nanti punyer cerita) buying ntah ape2 which mostly for the four at home (sori sayang, found nothing special for u)
our visit will starts at 8.30 am tapiiiii ni pun masih lum mandi lagi_sejukkkkk u
we r staying at Cool Point View Hotel-cuaca agak sejuk la kat sini...menusuk ke tulang temulangku ..
my last trip here was about 6 years back, masa tu nazwa belum dalam perancangan (hahaha) -hope to come here again utk bawak nazwa..
have to go now,nak mandi n siap2...n continue shopping....
Saturday, July 16, 2011
posa susu...
camne le tinggal bekas susu nazwa...
n only notice an hour ago..
dari sampai kat sini (kampungku), baru ni mintak susu..kalau awal2 da mintak susu n notice susu x bawak, boleh gek g beli..kalau da kul 9 lebih ;mlm minggu camni mane ade kedai bukak..
managed to pujuk dia minum milo...
she cried but finally calm down...
i remember i that already asked nashwa utk masukkan bekas susu dlm beg but unfortunately dia yg suka melengahkn arahan terus lupa..rase nak cepokkk le..
Friday, July 15, 2011
Happy besday Mak
supposed to post entry on my Mak's besday semalam tetapi lupa...
but already wished her early morning masa sampai kat ofis..
my Mum is now 64..but great, she looks 10 years younger than her age..
Mak is a great n wonderful mother we had..may Allah bless u with good health n long life so we can spend our life together forever...
Doa tulusku
sebagai hamba Allah yang kudus, kita perlu mentazkirah diri sendiri sedalam dan sehalusnya
memperbaiki kelemahan dan kekurangan..n aku sedang berusaha ke arah itu...
dalam hidup seharian aku pertama-tamanya perlu membentuk sikap sabar dalam diri mengurangkan sikap naik angin dan beremosi terutamanya dengan anak-anak...i love my kids so much selalu nak bagi yang terbaik untuk mereka tetapi mereka dengan kerenah dan perangai selalu mencabar emosi dan kesabaran aku..
kekuatan iman ku tipis membuat aku tidak dapat menahan rasa marah...mudah melenting..
Ya Allah di hari Jumaat yang mulia dan paginya yang redup ini aku mohon keampunan mu atas dosa-dosaku padamu, bukalah pintu hatiku,jauhi aku dari segala kemungkaran, permudahkan urusan ku, limpahilah aku dengan Nur mu dan jadikan aku hamba Mu yang sabar..
Thursday, July 14, 2011
house story
hubby n i are currently in a dilemma..

we have an option whether to buy a completed semi-d double storey at Melaka Baru at a price of RM342K or a one n a half storey bungalow at a price of RM293K...
if we choose the first one we have to spend more cash;can stay within the nearest time
if we choose the second one, we can save more cash but need to wait for 2 years for the house to be completed...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
since morning i fell weak n headache on the right side of my head...
do not know y..but feel painful..
hope to get well soon!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
"Our Pray never last...."
my only son until todate is yet to go to school as has been 6 months since february ..
we used our best efforts n make him back to normal routine but still fail..
my hubby n i are really worried of wat was happened ...namun kami masih x putus harapan, memberi peluang dan find as much ways as an opt to encourage nafis to go to school after the bad experience he suffered before...
Ya Allah permudahkan urusan kami;bukalah pintu hati anakku dan tenangkan fikirannya agar nafis kembali ke sekolah seperti biasa...
Please Nafis..its up to u now...mama dan ayah da puas berusaha dan ikhtiar; n will keep trying until no end: juga cukup tolerate dan memahami tetapi akhirnya pada diri nafis jua..
Friday, July 8, 2011
its really good day with a good news for me ; barkat yaumil Jumaat...
i passed all my papers that i sit last april..alhamdulillah syukur -kesemua 3 ni tunggu result induksi yg i pegi last week...
kemudian tunggu pengesahan jawatan..
pilih skim pencen..
boleh dpt EPF one shot...yezzzeerrrr
rezeki di hari Jumaat yg penuh rahmat
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
feeling gooooddddd
the course finally ended on 30th june, 2011..but since i left d house for the weeks so kena buat house cleaning etc...then on 2 july we went to kl...sesi entertain anak2 ..pergi ke planetarium KLCC, muzium dan bercanda di plaza low yatt utk sesi ayahanda belanja anak2nya...anyway...mother got nothing ok.. turn will be soon....sian anak2 ..ada yang nak tu nak ni ..baru nak dapat..i also will psot an entry on that later..
sebab sekarang nak mula kerja kat ofis yg da dua minggu juga do i feel now...
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